
The Neuropsychology Division of the Polish Psychological Association (PTP) was reactivated on December 12, 2018. In 2019, efforts were made to admit the Section to the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN, https://www.fesn.eu/). The section obtained the status of an Associate Member in 2020, and a Regular Member in 2022. Thanks to this, Section members have easier access to participate in virtual conferences and lectures, as well as summer schools and biennial FESN congresses. Summer schools educate students in their final years of doctoral studies or early postdocs, as well as clinicians. They offer specialized workshops and lectures in various fields of neuroscience. Students, PhD students and other early career employees belonging to the Neuropsychology Division of the PTP can establish contacts with other young scientists as part of the Student Liaison Committee operating under the patronage of FESN.